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132 plików
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Crusader Kings II - patche
Europa Universalis III Rome - patche
EU III ROME - patch 1.3
EU III ROME - patch 2.32c
EU III ROME - patch 2.36 BETA
Hearts of Iron III - patche
Hearts of Iron III -mody
1! Submody i dodatki do BLACK ICE MK
Black ICE Sprite Project by Aleksi_i
Third Reich Events
BLACK ICE MK V (For the Motherland)
BLACK ICE MK VI (For the Motherland)
BLACK ICE MK VII 1.0 (Their Finest Hour)
BLACK ICE MK VII 1.0 (Their Finest Hour), wersja na Windows XP
BLACK ICE MK VII 2.0 (Their Finest Hour)
problemy i ich naprawa
BLACK ICE MK VII 3.1 (Their Finest Hour)
Black ICE German Graphical Augment - BIGGA
BLACK ICE MK VII 3.2 (Their Finest Hour)
BLACK ICE MK VII 4.3 BETA (Their Finest Hour)
Spolszczeni e
BLACK ICE MK VII 5.1 BETA (Their Finest Hour)
BLACK ICE MK VII 6.0 BETA (Their Finest Hour)
BLACK ICE MK VII 6.21 BETA (Their Finest Hour)
BLACK ICE MK VII 7.0 BETA (Their Finest Hour)
BLACK ICE MK VII 7.23 BETA (Their Finest Hour)
BLACK ICE MK VII 7.32 BETA (Their Finest Hour)
German Graphical Augment Mod for Black Ice
Spolszczeni e
BLACK ICE MK VII 7.4 BETA (Their Finest Hour)
BLACK ICE MK VII 7.53 BETA (Their Finest Hour)
BLACK ICE MK VII 7.54 BETA (Their Finest Hour)
Tłumaczenie Krisusa na J. Polski
BLACK ICE MK VII 8.2 (Their Finest Hour)
BLACK ICE MK VII 8.4 (Their Finest Hour)
Third Reich Events
BLACK ICE MK VII 8.5 (Their Finest Hour)
BLACK ICE MK VII 8.6 (Their Finest Hour)
Colored Province and urban pictures
Community Map Project
Deutsche Wehrmacht Immersion 1.0
Deutsche Wehrmacht Immersion 1.2
Deutsche Wehrmacht Immersion 1.383
DiDay's ICE 3.3.4 (Semper Fi)
DiDay's ICE 4.0 (For the Motherland)
DiDay's ICE 4.1 (Their Finest Hour)
Francesco's Models
Losowy Generator Scenariuszy (ang. Random Scenario)
Magrathea - The Map Rebuilt
Re-textured map
The Historical Plausibility Project
Sengoku Patch 1.04
Victoria 2 - A House Divided patch 2.31
z prywatne
zz tymczasowe
"New Version for Black Ice 7.32

German Graphical Augment v7.1 available!
This mod provides several changes to graphics and naming conventions and aims to offer even more military history immersion that Black Ice already does. It adds 3 new unit types and offers approximately 50 additional events for the player. The naming and graphical representation of German units follows that path as well. They alter Black Ice files and are meant to please the dedicated micromanager and hopefully do not rebalance the core gameplay too much.
All German models pics from Black Ice are replaced with historic pictures for German Land, Air and Naval Forces. For the unique units different model pics are added. Those many unique units are now looking more individual and different from the regular units. You will get all new loading screens in color as appetizing eye candy!

I have added an Event pack for the North African Campaign. You will get additional Units from the historical Order of Battle, which refelct command structures for air, land and naval Forces along with some Support, Special and combat Units.

For the Axis Minors Expeditionary Forces during “Operation Barbarossa” you will find relevant model pictures. As well the volunteer formations from occupied and/or collaborating European counties are covered with their own model pics. .
Also, the French, Czech and Soviet captured equipment units will get their relevant model pics.
The install order should be:
1. Vanilla HoI 3 TFH
2. Full Black Ice 7.32
3. TRE 3.21
4. German Graphical Augment 7.1

Install instructions:
1. Make a save copy of your Black Ice folder somewhere outside the game files. This will help you to go back to the original BICE Version without this submod.
2. DL file
3. Copy the contents
4. Paste the contents into the Black ICE folder (path: Main Folder HoI3 is installed to/Hearts of Iron/tfh/mod/black Ice/...corresponding folders)
5. Overwrite all files when asked

It is advised to start a new 1936 campaign as it is not save game compatible!!

As I have not played 7.32 please report back if you notice bugs, inconsistencies and any other stuff which I could improve.


Thank you for downloading and have fun!

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1 plików
106,12 MB

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W ramach Chomikuj.pl stosujemy pliki cookies by umożliwić Ci wygodne korzystanie z serwisu. Jeśli nie zmienisz ustawień dotyczących cookies w Twojej przeglądarce, będą one umieszczane na Twoim komputerze. W każdej chwili możesz zmienić swoje ustawienia. Dowiedz się więcej w naszej Polityce Prywatności