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FILMY klasyka do 2000-
FILMY po 2000+ EN
FILMY wg AKTORA - 25 screen legends -
FILMY wg AKTORA - more screen legends +
FILMY wg AKTORKI - 25 screen legends -
FILMY wg AKTORKI - more screen legends +
KAIJU - Giant Monsters
3rd Rock From The Sun S01-02
Trzecia planeta od słońca S01
Trzecia planeta od słońca S02
Airwolf S01-03
Airwolf S01
Airwolf S02
Airwolf S03
Alf S01-04
Alias S01
All Creatures Great And Small S01 - 2020
Amazing Stories S01
Angel S01-02
Battlestar Galactica S01
Baywatch S01 Słoneczny patrol
Being Human S01-02
Black Mirror S01-02 - 2011
Buffy - Postrach wampirów S01
Children of Dune [miniseries] - 2003
Cilla [Black] - 2014
Columbo S01 - 1972
Doctor Who [2005 - present]
Doctor Who S01-02
Doctor Who S01 - 2005 [Christophe r Eccleston]
Doctor Who S02 - 2006 [David Tennant]
Doll House S01 - 2009
Dracula S01 - 2013
Dracula S01 - 2013 [Jonathan Rhys Meyers]
Due South S01
Earth - Final Conflict S01 - 1998
First Wave S01 - 1999 - Pierwsza Fala
Fraggle Rock S01-05 Fragglesi
Frontier S01-02
Game of Thrones S01-08
Generation Kill [miniseries] - 2008
Helstrom S01 - 2019
Hercules - The Legendary Journies - S01
Highlander S01
I Claudius - (1976) Ja, Klaudiusz
Knight Rider S01
La La Land - 2010 - Marc Wootton
Little House On The Prairie S01-02
Lost in Space - 1965 - S01-03
Lost in Space - Season 1
Lost in Space - Season 2
Lost in Space - Season 3
Miami Vice S01 - 1985
Mission Impossible S01
Nikita S01 - 2010
North and South - Północ - Południe
North and South - S03 - 1994
Planet of the Apes S01
Przystanek Alaska - lektor PL
Roswell S01 - 2000
Samurai Girl 2008
Seaquest DSV S01
Shogun - 1980 Richard Chamberlane
Sliders - complete 5 seasons
Space 1999 - S01
Stargate Atlantis - complete 5 seasons
Stargate SG-1 - complete 10 seasons
Terminator - The Sarah Connor Chronicles S01-02
Terminator - The Sarah Connor Chronicles S01
Terminator - The Sarah Connor Chronicles S02
The 4400 S03-04
season 3
season 4
The Addams Family 1964 season 1
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes - S01-07
The Andromeda Strain 2008 miniseries
The A-Team - Drużyna A
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy - 1981
The Nanny Season 1 (1993–94)
The Pretender S01 - Kameleon
The Queen’s Gambit
The Sarah Jane Adventures S01-05
The Serpent S01 - 2021
The Storyteller
The White Princess
The Wonder Years - Cudowne Lata
This is England - Miniseries
This Is England 86
This Is England 88
Torchwood S01-03
Torchwood S01
Torchwood S02
Torchwood S03
Torchwood S01-04
Weeds S01
Wings (1990 TV series)
Wings S01
Wings S02
Wonder Woman S01 - 1975
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The StoryTeller is a British live-action/puppet television series that originally aired in 1987 and which was created and executively produced by Jim Henson.[1]

Reruns of The StoryTeller episodes were featured in some episodes of The Jim Henson Hour.

The series retold various European folk tales, particularly ones considered obscure in Western culture, created with a combination of actors and puppets. The framing device had an old storyteller (John Hurt) sitting by a fire telling each tale to both the viewers and to his talking dog (a realistic looking puppet of a blonde Pudelpointer performed and voiced by Brian Henson) who acted as the voice of the viewers, and was written in a language and traditional style in keeping with old folk tales.[2]

In the "Secret of the Muppets" episode of The Jim Henson Hour, Jim Henson stated that the Storyteller has a half-puppet appearance. Heavy make-up was used to create the character, notably large ears and a prosthetic nose. The Storyteller was initially conceived by Jim Henson as an animatronic puppet character. However, Ron Mueck filmed a test with facial prosthetics, to suggest that an actor in make-up would be more effective.

  • 700,1 MB
  • 22 wrz 20 17:44
This episode stars Jason Carter as Hans' human form, Terence Harvey as the voice of Hans the Hedgehog, Abigail Cruttenden as the Princess, David Swift as the King, Helen Lindsay as the Queen, Eric Richard as the Farmer, and Maggie Wilkinson as the Farmer's Wife.

The episode was directed by Steve Barron.
  • 698,9 MB
  • 22 wrz 20 17:44
This episode stars Steven Mackintosh as the Luck Child, Philip Jackson as the King, Cathryn Bradshaw as the Princess, Pauline Moran as the Queen, Anthony O'Donnell as the Little Man, Robert Eddison as the Cursed Ferryman, and George Little as the voice of the Griffin (which is operated by Alistair Fullarton and Brian Henson).

The episode was directed by Jon Amiel.
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  • 22 wrz 20 17:44
Based on the early German folk tale, The Six Swans. After the queen dies, an evil witch ensnares the King and turns his three sons into ravens to rid herself of her rivals. The Princess escapes and must stay silent for three years, three months, three weeks and three days in order to break the spell. But after she meets a handsome Prince, this is suddenly not so easy for her stepmother has remarried and to the prince's father...

This episode stars Joely Richardson as the Princess, Miranda Richardson as the Witch, Robert Hines as the Prince, Jonathan Pryce as the King, and Richard Butler as the Second King.

The episode was directed by Paul Weiland.
  • 151,4 MB
  • 22 wrz 20 17:44
An Athenian storyteller and his dog take shelter in the labyrinth of Knossos. There he recounts the story of the Minotaur confined to the maze by King Minos ten centuries earlier. King Aegeus had left his sword under a huge rock and told Aithra that when their son Theseus would grow up, he should move the rock to learn who his father was. Theseus grew up and became a brave young man. He managed to move the rock and took up his father's sword. His mother then told him the truth about his father's identity. Theseus decided to go to Athens, either by sea, which was the safe way or by land, following a dangerous path with thieves and bandits all the way. Young, brave and ambitious, Theseus decided to go to Athens by land. He arrived in Athens where King Aegeus welcomed while Medea plotted to kill Theseus. After King Aegeus recognized the sword that Theseus is carrying, he knocked the poisoned drink out of his hand. Before the guards can arrest Medea, she teleports away while cursing Aegeus. Reclaiming his rightful place as the son of King Aegeus, Theseus insisted on traveling to Crete to kill the dreaded Minotaur. He promised to his father Aegeus that he would put up a white sail on his journey back home if he was successful. Ariadne, Minos' daughter, fell in love with Theseus and helped him get out of the Labyrinth by giving him a ball of thread allowing him to retrace his path. Theseus killed the Minotaur. Theseus took Ariadne with him but on the return trip abandoned her on the island of Naxos. He also failed to fly white sails on his return journey, thus causing his father to throw himself into the Aegean sea which was since named after him.

This episode stars David Morrissey as Theseus, Steve Varnom as the Minotaur, Maggie O'Neill as Ariadne, Lindsay Duncan as Medea, Amanda Burton as Aithra

The episode was directed by John Madden.
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  • 22 wrz 20 17:44
Owing to the oracle's prophecy that he would kill his grandfather, Perseus, the son of Danaë and Zeus, was born in darkness and captivity. Discovering Perseus's existence, King Acrisius of Argos banished Perseus and his mother to a wooden chest cast into the sea. They managed to escape death at sea where they are found by Diktys. After coming of age, the young hero vowed to bring back the head of the Gorgon Medusa in order to stop the evil King Polydectes from marrying his mother. He was given special weapons and armor by the gods to complete his task. He gained directions from Graeae and headed in the direction while encountering the Titan Atlas along the way. Perseus used his weapons in order to slay Medusa. On the way back to King Polydectes, Perseus used Medusa's head to turn Atlas to stone where he became a mountain. Upon Perseus' return, King Polydectes did not believe that Perseus returned with the true head of Medusa. Perseus proves it to him by using Medusa's head to turn him to stone. Still, he could not escape the prophecy that he would one day kill his grandfather.

This episode stars Jeremy Gilley as Perseus, Frances Barber as Medusa, John McEnery as King Polydectus, Kate Buffery as Danaë, Tony Vogel as Diktys, Arthur Dignam as King Acrisius, and Pat Roach as Atlas. The Gracea are played by Barbara Barnes, Justine Glenton, and Tacy Kneale

The episode is directed by David Garfath
  • 171,3 MB
  • 22 wrz 20 17:44
Orpheus, son of Calliope, the muse goddess, fell in love with Eurydice the moment he set eyes on her. His love for her was so strong that when she perished from a poisoned snake bite when being chased by the satyr Aristaeus, Orpheus traveled down to the Underworld to plead to Hades for her return. To cross the River Styx, Orpheus used his music to charm Charon into taking him across. His music softened the heart of Hades' wife Persephone. Hades decided to let them both return to the living world as long as Orpheus did not look back. As Orpheus was not certain that Eurydice was following him into the sunlight, he looked back, forgetting the condition, and lost her forever. Thus, he refused to play any music for the villagers, instead, hitting his lyre's strings with a rock over and over. The village's wild women knew that they had to end the awful noise, and so they killed him.

The episode stars Art Malik as Orpheus, Gina Bellman as Eurydice, Jesse Birdsall as Aristaeus, Robert Stephens as Hades, Mel Martin as Persephone.

The episode is directed by Tony Smith.
  • 168,2 MB
  • 22 wrz 20 17:44
The Storyteller tells the story of Daedalus and Icarus. Daedalus was a skillful architect, inventor, and master craftsman. Daedalus lived with his son Icarus. Daedalus was embarrassed and frustrated by his clumsy son and took on his nephew Talos as an apprentice. Talos displayed a skill and intellect that rivaled Daedalus's intellect. Daedalus was upset that Talos was everything his son was not and fearing that the boy would surpass his talent, murdered the boy by tossing him from the roof. The vulture speaks to Daedalus, confronting him about his feelings towards Talos and pushing Daedalus to murder the boy. Daedalus and Icarus fled to the island of Crete, where he found himself in the court of King Minos. There he constructed the Labyrinth to contain the monstrous Minotaur. Minos cast Daedalus and Icarus into the Labyrinth. Daedalus managed to get out of the Labyrinth for after all, he had built it. The vulture reappears calling Daedalus a murderer for killing Talos. Full of rage and guilt, Daedalus kills the vulture. Daedalus decided that he and his son had to flee Crete and get away from Minos. However, Minos controlled the sea around Crete and there was no route of escape there. Daedalus realized that the only way out was by air. To escape, Daedalus built wings for himself and Icarus fashioned with the vulture's feathers held together with beeswax. Daedalus warned his son not to fly too close to the sun (as it would melt his wings) and not too close to the sea (as the sea spray would dampen them and weigh him down). They successfully flew from Crete, but Icarus soon flew too close to the sun. The wax holding the feathers melted and he fell to his death, drowning in the sea (which the Icarian Sea was named after). Daedalus lamented his dead son and blaming himself for the tragedy.

This episode stars Derek Jacobi as Daedalus, Ian Hawkes as Icarus, Alastair White as Talos, and John Wood as King Minos, and Peter Hawkins as the voice of the Vulture (which is operated by David Barclay and David Greenaway).

The episode is directed by Paul Weiland.
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