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Abandonment to Divine Providence Abide in Christ Abraham - Bruce Felier
Against Heresies An Exorcist Tells His Story - Fr. Gabriele Amorth angelfoodjackjill_mt_librivox
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Dr. Michael Barber - Mary Scriptural Icon of the Church Dr. Peter Kreeft - Faith and Reason, The Philosophy of Religion (The Modern Scholar) Dr. Peter Kreeft - The Philosophy of Thomas Aquinas (The Modern Scholar)
Dr. Scott Hahn) E. Michael Jones - podcasts from culturewars.com Edward Healy Thompson - The Life and Glories of St. Joseph
Emmanuel Carrère - The Kingdom Entrustment to the Divine Mercy in times of trial EWTN archive
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Josh McDowell, Sean McDowell - Evidence for Jesus Karl Keating - Catholicism and Fundamentalism (Unabridged Audiobook) king_nobody_wanted_1002
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