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Anthony C. Sutton - Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development 1917 to 1930 (1970).pdf

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Sutton studied at the universities of London, Goettingen and California and received his D.Sc. degree from University of Southampton, England. He was an economics professor at California State University Los Angeles and a research fellow at Stanford University's Hoover Institution from 1968 to 1973. During his time at the Hoover Institution he wrote the major study Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development (in three volumes), arguing that the West played a major role in developing the Soviet Union from its very beginnings up until the present time (1970). Sutton argued that the Soviet Union's technological and manufacturing base—which was then engaged in supplying the Viet Cong – was built by United States corporations and largely funded by US taxpayers. Steel and iron plants, the GAZ automobile factory – a Ford subsidiary, located in eastern Russia – and many other Soviet industrial enterprises were, according to Sutton, built with the help or technical assistance of the United States or U.S. corporations. He argued further that the Soviet Union's acquisition of MIRV technology was made possible by receiving (from U.S. sources) machining equipment for the manufacture of precision ball bearings, necessary to mass-produce MIRV-enabled missiles.

In 1973 Sutton published a popularized, condensed version of the three volumes called National Suicide: Military Aid to the Soviet Union, and was thereby[citation needed] forced out of the Hoover Institution. His conclusion from his research on the issue was that the conflicts of the Cold War were "not fought to restrain communism", since the United States, through financing the Soviet Union "directly or indirectly armed both sides in at least Korea and Vietnam"; rather, these wars were organised in order "to generate multibillion-dollar armaments contracts".


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Antony Cyril Sutton (February 14, 1925 - June 17, 2002) was a British-born economist, historian, and writer. He studied at the universities of London, Goettingen and California and received his D.Sc. degree from University of Southampton, England. He was an economics professor at California State University Los Angeles and a research fellow at Stanford University's Hoover Institution from 1968 to 1973. During his time at the Hoover Institute he wrote the major study Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development (in three volumes), detailing how the West played a major role in developing Soviet Union from its very beginnings up until the present time (1970). He was forced out of the Hoover Institute after publishing National Suicide: Military Aid to the Soviet Union in 1973.


1 - Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development: 1917-1930 (1968)
2 - Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development: 1930-1945 (1971)
3 - Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development: 1945-1965 (1973)
4 -National Suicide: Military Aid to the Soviet Union (1973)
5 - What Is Libertarianism? (1973)
6 - Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution (1974, 1999)
7 - Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler (1976, 1999)
8 - Wall Street and FDR (1976, 1999)
9 - The War on Gold: How to Profit from the Gold Crisis (1977)
10 - Energy: The Created Crisis (1979)
11 - The Diamond Connection: A manual for investors (1979)
12 - Trilaterals Over Washington - Volume I (1979; with Patrick M. Wood)
13 - Trilaterals Over Washington - Volume II (1980; with Patrick M. Wood)
14 - Gold vs Paper: A cartoon history of inflation (1981)
15 - Investing in Platinum Metals (1982)
16 - Technological Treason: A catalog of U.S. firms with Soviet contracts, 1917-1982 (1982)
17 - America's Secret Establishment: An Introduction to the Order of Skull & Bones (1983, 1986, 2002)
18 - How the Order Creates War and Revolution (1985)
19 - How the Order Controls Education (1985)
20 - The Best Enemy Money Can Buy (1986)
21 - The Two Faces of George Bush (1988)
22 - The Federal Reserve Conspiracy (1995)
23 - Trilaterals Over America (1995)
24 - Cold Fusion: Secret Energy Revolution (1997)
25 - Gold For Survival (1999)
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