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! Mistrzowie słowa
# Literatura różna - ponad 6000 sztuk
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Secret Societies, Illuminati, Skull and Bones, Bohemian Club, Freemasons, CFR, Bilderberg
► BRUTALNA PRAWDA (kolekcja bardzo ciekawych i unikatowych książek)!!!
1. Nadberezyńcy
1001 books you must read before you die
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930-2005.Historia Polski
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Katyń 2010 7
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St. Lucia - When the Night (2013) (Johanesburg, South Africa and Brooklyn, US) ch
Tajne stowarzyszenia, klasyczne spiskowe książki
Tesla Boy - Modern Thrills
Tesla Boy - The Universe Made of Darkness (2013)
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Wieczorkiewicz P. P. - Historia Polski
Wieczorkiewicz P. P. - Historia ZSRR
Will Young - Echos [2011]
William Milton Cooper
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Pokazuj foldery i treści
Dobrze zorganizowana mniejszość może narzucić swą wolę biernej większości.
Ideologia - geopolityczna odmiana mafii.
Obywatel nieświadomy to obywatel łatwiejszy do kontrolowania i w razie potrzeby spacyfikowania.
Kiedyś oszuści byli niezorganizowanymi amatorami, a obecnie mają swoją międzynarodówkę zwaną globalizmem, lub Bubble Capitalism (Kapitalizm bańki spekulacyjnej).
Governments don't rule the world, Goldman Sachs rules the world.

BBC financial expert Alessio Rastani
BBC News channel 26.09.2011
"We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nation will accept the New World Order." Znajdujemy się na pograniczu globalnej przemiany. Wszystko czego potrzebujemy, to odpowiedni kryzys, a narody zaakceptują Nowy Światowy Porządek--David Rockefeller
speaking at a UN Business Conference, Sept. 14, 1994

"Będziemy mieli rząd światowy czy wam się to podoba czy nie; za waszą zgodą, lub poprzez zabór."
James Warburg, Rada Spraw Zagranicznych (CFR - Council on Foreign relations)
Wolności nie da się skolektywizować ani sprywatyzować.

Prawo które służy do zniewalania społeczeństwa, a nie do jego obrony, jest prawem okupanta.

O ile poprzednia ideologia była nastawiona na kształtowanie alkoholików, to obecna stara się wychowywać gadżetoholików.

Pierwowzorem Nowego Człowieka do stworzenia którego dąży każda ideologia (komunizm 1920 [rozbicie na Krymie oddziałów Piotra Wrangla, ostatniej białej armii], nazizm 1933 [dojście Hitlera do władzy w demokratycznych wyborach], globalizm 1971 [zniesienie parytetu złota dla dolara]), jest Janczar.

Dlaczego kłamstwo ma krótkie nogi? - dlatego że, wcześniej kłamstwo z długimi nogami nie mieściło się do Wołgi, a teraz nie mieści się do Lexusa :)

Wyszedł jak Zabłocki na McDonaldzie :)
Obecna ideologia ukrywa politykę i indoktrynację, w prymitywnej zmasowanej "rozrywce", oraz w marketingu - a także nie prowadzi okupacji terytoriów podbitych krajów tak jak poprzednio robił to komunizm, tylko kontroluje rządy, media i finanse

Każda mafia ma trójwarstwową strukturę przypominającą piramidę: na samym dole liczni żołnierze do brudnej roboty, wyżej nieliczni bossowie od rozkazywania, a na samym szczycie kilku mocodawców pozostających w całkowity cieniu - przede wszystkim ich zadaniem jest tworzenie taktyki i strategii a także zapewnianie polityczno-prawnej ochrony, do tego pranie brudnych pieniędzy oraz dofinansowanie jeżeli akurat zachodzi taka potrzeba.

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  • 27 lis 13 21:24


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  • 27 lis 13 21:24
Who was the greater economist--Adam Smith or Charles Darwin? The question seems absurd. Darwin, after all, was a naturalist, not an economist. But Robert Frank, New York Times economics columnist and best-selling author of The Economic Naturalist, predicts that within the next century Darwin will unseat Smith as the intellectual founder of economics. The reason, Frank argues, is that Darwin's understanding of competition describes economic reality far more accurately than Smith's. And the consequences of this fact are profound. Indeed, the failure to recognize that we live in Darwin's world rather than Smith's is putting us all at risk by preventing us from seeing that competition alone will not solve our problems.
Smith's theory of the invisible hand, which says that competition channels self-interest for the common good, is probably the most widely cited argument today in favor of unbridled competition--and against regulation, taxation, and even government itself. But what if Smith's idea was almost an exception to the general rule of competition? That's what Frank argues, resting his case on Darwin's insight that individual and group interests often diverge sharply. Far from creating a perfect world, economic competition often leads to "arms races," encouraging behaviors that not only cause enormous harm to the group but also provide no lasting advantages for individuals, since any gains tend to be relative and mutually offsetting.
The good news is that we have the ability to tame the Darwin economy. The best solution is not to prohibit harmful behaviors but to tax them. By doing so, we could make the economic pie larger, eliminate government debt, and provide better public services, all without requiring painful sacrifices from anyone. That's a bold claim, Frank concedes, but it follows directly from logic and evidence that most people already accept.


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  • 27 lis 13 21:24
Discusses the parapsychological phenomena which have intrigued mankind through the ages and examines selected individuals renowned for their involvment in the occult.


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Opening quotations
Chapter 1: From Dianetics to Scientology -- The Evolution of a Cult
Chapter 2: L. Ron Hubbard -- Messiah? Or Madman?
Chapter 3: The Propaganda of Scientology -- "Playing for Blood..."
Chapter 4: TRs the Hard Way -- "Flunk for Blinking! Start!"
Chapter 5: Dianetics -- May You Never Be the Same Again
Chapter 6: Grade 0 to Clear -- The Yellow Brick Road to Total Freedom
Chapter 7: OT -- Through the Wall of Fire and Beyond
Chapter 8: The Language of Scientology -- ARC, SPs, PTPs and BTs
Chapter 9: The Sea Org -- "For the Next Billion Years..."
Chapter 10: Religion Inc. -- The Selling of Scientology
Chapter 11: Ethics -- The Greatest Good for the Greatest Number of Dynamics
Chapter 12: OSA (Office of Special Affairs) -- The Secret CIA of Scientology
Chapter 13: Not So Clear in Clearwater -- Scientology Takes Over a Town
Chapter 14: Brainwashing and Thought Control in Scientology -- The Road to Rondroid
Chapter 15: The Plight of Parents -- Some Suggestions for Families
Conclusion: Coming Out of Scientology: The Nightmare Ends, The Nightmare Begins
Closing quotations
Scientology Auditing and Its Offshoots by Robert Kaufman
A New Face of Evil: Essays by Bob Penny


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"Clear, readable, authentic exposition of a personal history into, through, and finally out of Scientology. Well worth reading."

"A fascinating look inside a secretive organization."


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  • 27 lis 13 21:24
Here is the new expanded edition of the international bestseller Introducing Postmodernism. Has the 21st century resolved the question of 'postmodernism' or are we more than ever ensnared in its perplexities? Postmodernism seemed to promise an end to the grim Cold War era of nuclear confrontation and oppressive ideologies. Fukuyama's notoriously proclaimed 'end of history', the triumph of liberal democracy over Communist tyranny, has proved an illusion. We awoke in the anxious grip of globalization, unpredictable terrorism and unforeseen war.This book traces the pedigrees of postmodernism in art, theory, science and history, providing an urgent guide to the present.


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  • 27 lis 13 21:24
To many readers of The Prince, Machiavelli appears to be deeply un-Christian or even anti-Christian, a cynic who thinks rulers should use religion only to keep their subjects in check. But in Machiavelli's God, Maurizio Viroli, one of the world's leading authorities on Machiavelli, argues that Machiavelli, far from opposing Christianity, thought it was crucial to republican social and political renewal--but that first it needed to be renewed itself. And without understanding this, Viroli contends, it is impossible to comprehend Machiavelli's thought.


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  • 27 lis 13 21:24
At a time when fundamentalism is on the rise, traditional religions are in decline and postmodernity has challenged any system that claims to be all-defining, young people have left their traditional places of worship and set up their own, in clubs, at festivals and within music culture. Pop Cults investigates the ways in which popular music and its surrounding culture have become a primary site for the location of meaning, belief and identity. It provides an introduction to the history of the interactions of vernacular music and religion, and the role of music in religious culture. Rupert Till explores the cults of heavy metal, pop stars, club culture and virtual popular music worlds, investigating the sex, drug, local and death cults of the sacred popular, and their relationships with traditional religions. He concludes by discussing how and why popular music cultures have taken on many of the roles of traditional religions in contemporary society.


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  • 27 lis 13 21:24
In his introduction, Greer states that his book is the first written by an "occult practitioner" who has consulted the scholarly texts that have recently been written about the history of occult traditions. This combination has produced a reference work that is sympathetic to the arcane lore but avoids many of the common errors found in occult literature. The volume arranges its 1,500 entries in alphabetical order. Topics include magic, Tarot, astrology, and other forms of divination; magical orders such as the Golden Dawn; biographies of significant individuals; and spiritual movements such as Wicca, Theosophy, and the modern Pagans. Where appropriate, entries contain see references to other entries and to books found in the extensive bibliography. Illustrations include charts, diagrams, and photographs.
The essays are clearly written and are very informative. The book is useful for the practitioner as well as for the curious because the contents are factual and concise. The author promises that as new information becomes available on topics, he will publish a revised edition to maintain the integrity and accuracy of the volume. This is an important source for libraries to have in their collections to assist anyone seeking information about the many aspects of occult traditions.


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  • 27 lis 13 21:24
The occult was a crucial influence on the Renaissance, and it obsessed the popular thinkers of the day. But with the Age of Reason, occultism was sidelined; only charlatans found any use for it. Occult ideas did not disappear, however, but rather went underground. It developed into a fruitful source of inspiration for many important artists. Works of brilliance, sometimes even of genius, were produced under its influence. In A Dark Muse, Lachman discusses the Enlightenment obsession with occult politics, the Romantic explosion, the futuristic occultism of the fin de siècle, and the deep occult roots of the modernist movement. Some of the writers and thinkers featured in this hidden history of western thought and sensibility are Emanuel Swedenborg, Charles Baudelaire, J. K. Huysmans, August Strindberg, William Blake, Goethe, Madame Blavatsky, H. G. Wells, Edgar Allan Poe, and Malcolm Lowry.


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  • 27 lis 13 21:24
Atheism is often considered to be a negative, dark, and pessimistic belief which is characterised by a rejection of values and purpose and a fierce opposition to religion. Atheism: A Very Short Introduction sets out to dispel the myths that surround atheism and show how a life without religious belief can be positive, meaningful, and moral. It also confronts the failure of officially atheist states in the Twentieth Century. The book presents an intellectual case for atheism that rests as much upon positive arguments for its truth as on negative arguments against religion.


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  • 27 lis 13 21:24
The term "new atheism" has been given to the recent barrage of bestselling books written by Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, Daniel Dennett, Christopher Hitchens, and others. These books and their authors have had a significant media presence and have only grown in popularity over the years. This book brings together scholars from religious studies, science, sociology of science, philosophy, and theology to engage the new atheism and place it in the context of broader scholarly discourses. This volume will serve to contextualize and critically examine the claims, arguments and goals of the new atheism so that readers can become more informed of some of the debates with which the new atheists inevitably and, at times unknowingly, engage.


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  • 27 lis 13 21:24
Scientology, created in 1954 by a prolific sci-fi writer named L. Ron Hubbard, claims to be the world's fastest-growing religion, with millions of members around the world and huge financial holdings. Its celebrity believers keep its profile high, and its teams of "volunteer ministers" offer aid at disaster sites such as Haiti and the World Trade Center. But Scientology is also a notably closed faith, harassing journalists and others through litigation and intimidation, even infiltrating the highest levels of government to further its goals. Its attacks on psychiatry and its requirement that believers pay as much as tens and even hundreds of thousands of dollars for salvation have drawn scrutiny and skepticism. And ex-members use the Internet to share stories of harassment and abuse. Now Janet Reitman offers the first full journalistic history of the Church of Scientology, in an even-handed account that at last establishes the astonishing truth about the controversial religion. She traces Scientology's development from the birth of Dianetics to today, following its metamorphosis from a pseudo-scientific self-help group to a worldwide spiritual corporation with profound control over its followers and even ex-followers. Based on five years of research, unprecedented access to church officials, confidential documents, and extensive interviews with current and former Scientologists, this is the defining book about a little-known world.


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  • 27 lis 13 21:24
For too long contemporary thought has been dominated by a depressed 'what is to be done?'. In this 'postmodern' world all is regarded to be in vain, nothing is deemed real, nothing new is seen under the sun. Such a lament is easily confounded with an apathetic reluctance to think engagedly. This volume aims to inspire a return to the energetics of Nietzsche's prose and the critical intensity of his approach to nihilism and to give back to the future its rightful futurity. The contributors draw on the variety of topical issues including the future of life, the nature of life-forms, the techno-sciences, the body and religion as a way of tackling the question of nihilism's pertinence to us now. They take as their lead Nietzsche's suggestion that this world is a 'monster of energy, without beginning or end' without, for all that, naively assuming that this world possesses an infinite novelty or miraculous power of regeneration. Neither dully resigned to uninventive and ultimately entropic repetition of the same, nor believing in an inexhaustible fund of resources which will inevitably save the world from destruction, this collection hopes to encourage debate on the meaning of value at the begining of the new millennium.


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  • 27 lis 13 21:24
1. Żądza posiadania
2. Przekleństwo obligacji
3. Pękające bańki

System bankowy i umowy finansowe są równie stare jak sama cywilizacja. Rozwój światowego biznesu nigdy nie przebiegał gładko, choć odbywał się szybko. Banki napędzały włoski renesans, rynek finansowy odegrał decydującą rolę w czasie amerykańskiej Wojny Secesyjnej, zaś imperia - brytyjskie i holenderskie - zbudowano dzięki pierwszym giełdom. Ilekroć jednak system finansowy przyczynił się do powstania czegoś pozytywnego, okazywało się, że kryje także mroczne sekrety

Niall Ferguson (ur. 1964 r.) - to jeden z najsłynniejszych historyków na świecie. Profesor uniwersytetów Harvarda, Oxfordu, Stanforda. Autor bestsellerów (światowych), m.in. Paper and Iron: Hamburg Business and German Politics in the Era of Inflation, 1897–1927 (1995), The Pity of War (1998), The House of Rothschild: The World's Banker, 1849–1999.(1999), The Cash Nexus: Money and Power in the Modern World, 1700-2000 (2001), Empire: How Britain Made the Modern World (2003), Empire: The Rise and Demise of the British World Order and the Lessons for Global Power (2004), Colossus: the Rise and Fall of the American Empire (2004), The War of the World. 1914: Why the World Went to War (2005), The Ascent of Money: A Financial History of the World (2008), High Financier: The Lives And Times Of Siegmund Warburg (2010), Civilization: The West and the Rest (2011). Pisuje regularnie do czasopism światowych (w tym polskich - "Dziennik"). Autor czterech, wysoko cenionych, telewizyjnych seriali dokumentalnych.

z chomika kucyk147

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  • 27 lis 13 21:24

System bankowy i umowy finansowe są równie stare jak sama cywilizacja. Rozwój światowego biznesu nigdy nie przebiegał gładko, choć odbywał się szybko. Banki napędzały włoski renesans, rynek finansowy odegrał decydującą rolę w czasie amerykańskiej Wojny Secesyjnej, zaś imperia - brytyjskie i holenderskie - zbudowano dzięki pierwszym giełdom. Ilekroć jednak system finansowy przyczynił się do powstania czegoś pozytywnego, okazywało się, że kryje także mroczne sekrety.

1. Żądza posiadania

Niall Ferguson bada początki systemu kredytowego i długów. Okazuje się, że wierzyciele od zawsze wykorzystywali dłużników.

z chomika AndPla

  • 498,0 MB
  • 27 lis 13 21:24

System bankowy i umowy finansowe są równie stare jak sama cywilizacja. Rozwój światowego biznesu nigdy nie przebiegał gładko, choć odbywał się szybko. Banki napędzały włoski renesans, rynek finansowy odegrał decydującą rolę w czasie amerykańskiej Wojny Secesyjnej, zaś imperia - brytyjskie i holenderskie - zbudowano dzięki pierwszym giełdom. Ilekroć jednak system finansowy przyczynił się do powstania czegoś pozytywnego, okazywało się, że kryje także mroczne sekrety.

2. Przekleństwo obligacji

Niall Ferguson opowiada o rozwoju rynku włoskich papierów wartościowych od czasów renesansu. To dzięki niemu Włochy stały się potęgą.

z chomika AndPla

  • 497,0 MB
  • 27 lis 13 21:24

System bankowy i umowy finansowe są równie stare jak sama cywilizacja. Rozwój światowego biznesu nigdy nie przebiegał gładko, choć odbywał się szybko. Banki napędzały włoski renesans, rynek finansowy odegrał decydującą rolę w czasie amerykańskiej Wojny Secesyjnej, zaś imperia - brytyjskie i holenderskie - zbudowano dzięki pierwszym giełdom. Ilekroć jednak system finansowy przyczynił się do powstania czegoś pozytywnego, okazywało się, że kryje także mroczne sekrety.

3. Pękające bańki

Aby ukazać mechanizm finansowego rozkwitu i krachu, profesor Ferguson odkrywa początki spółek giełdowych w Amsterdamie i Paryżu.

z chomika AndPla

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ABC_SERIAL-FILMY-3D-HD-4K napisano 19.03.2021 22:11

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Tiili napisano 25.09.2021 22:05

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Witam, pozdrawiam i zapraszam do mnie Filmy, ciekawe Filmy Dokumentalne, Seriale, TV Show, Książki, Artykuły, Teledyski, Tapety, Emotki i wiele innych. obrazek

N-O-W-E-FILMY2021 napisano 15.11.2021 13:57

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marcinpmd napisano 20.03.2022 14:03

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Witam i zapraszam również do mnie, chomik jest tak różnorodny że każdy znajdzie coś dla siebie



Zbychus9395 napisano 6.11.2022 15:15

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LeonxD9436 napisano 10.11.2022 19:26

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Super chomik

casavo8677 napisano 12.12.2022 02:14

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Filmy_Seriale_XXX napisano 16.12.2022 08:35

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